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We are a proficient  provider  of innovative, comprehensive pediatric services that specializes in child development.




ESP Pediatric Therapy Services has been serving the Baton Rouge and surrounding communities since 2008. We are proud to provide innovative, comprehensive pediatric services specializing in child development. Our services help children develop feeding, play, communication, movement, handwriting, reading, and social skills in a child friendly atmosphere.


ESP Pediatric Therapy Services provides Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy on St. Lillian Academy’s School Campus. Our clinic is housed within the school allowing access to a variety of learning opportunities for many children. ESP Pediatric Therapy Services maintains a partnership with St. Lillian Academy and Touchstone applied behavioral analysis onsite.


ESP Pediatric Therapy Services provides therapy services at parochial schools, daycares, and also through Louisiana Early Steps, Louisiana’s birth to three program. Our providers specialize in early intervention in both the natural environment and in the clinical setting.


Our therapists provide services to children who have a variety of diagnoses including:


-Cerebral Palsy

-Down Syndrome

-Genetic Disorders

-Childhood of Apraxia of Speech (CAS)

-Social/pragmatic Delays

-Articulation and Phonological Disorders

-Receptive and Expressive Language Disorders

Tethered Oral Tissues (TOT)

-Executive Function Disorder

-Sensory Processing Disorder to manage daily routines through modulation of external stimuli

-Sensory and Motor based feeding disorders

-Visual Motor Skill deficits effecting handwriting, typing, and reading

-Motor Delays/Development Coordination Disorder

-Handwriting Deficits








The goal of the pediatric speech language pathologist is to help children become more successful communicators, independent language learners, and to improve feeding independence.


Our staff provides individual and group therapy to children with speech, language, and communication disorders. Child specific, individualized programs may focus on speech, language, feeding aversions and swallowing difficulties, oral motor and tethered oral tissues, voice, fluency, cognitive and nonverbal communication.


Therapists on staff have expertise in the area of augmentative communication (LAMP certified), in the field of CAS (Recognized for advanced training and expertise by Apraxia Kids), ILS (Integrated Listening System) and TOTS (Tethered Oral Tissue) specialty training.



The goal of the pediatric occupational therapist is to promote independence in children in the areas of home, school, play, and self-care. Programs focus on fine motor skills, sensory integration, handwriting skills, feeding skills, and motor coordination.


Our occupational therapists are diverse in their background and knowledge base. They treat sensory processing disorders, fine motor delays, neuromuscular disorders, and feeding disorders.  Our therapists also work with adaptive and assistive equipment and positioning. Areas of specialty at ESP include: Neurodevelopmental Training (NDT), Integrated Listening System (iLs), Interactive Metronome, Handwriting Without Tears, and Bal A Vis X.



The goal of the pediatric physical therapist is to maximize THE child’s independence with functional mobility and fitness. Based on an individualized program, the physical therapist works to improve the child’s ability to move about their environment in a safe and effective manner.


Physical Therapy addresses the following movement and mobility, developmental activities, strengthening, range of motion, motor learning, balance and coordination, equipment evaluation for mobility and positioning, tone management, posture and positioning, and orthotic evaluation and fabrication.



ESP provides augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) evaluations and therapy for children and adults with complex communication needs. This includes individuals with a diagnosis ASD, CP, ALS, Voice, Head/Neck Cancer as well as other neurological and motor speech disorders. A variety of low-mid, and hi-tech options will be explored using numerous AAC devices and applications during the evaluation process. Shannon Farho, MA, CCC/SLP, provides these services at ESP. She was co-founder and director of the AAC Clinic at LSU-Baton Rouge.




3172 Government Street.

Baton Rouge, LA 70806


Tel:  225-255-2638

Fax:  949-404-6591


7:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Monday - Friday


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